Tap Dance Festival 2014

Pierre Hobson
Pierre Hobson is owner and Artistic Director of KlaXson Tap Dance Studios. After studying dance for five years in his early beginnings, he shifted his focus from dance to Music. For the last 15 years most of his training and inspiration come from musicians, music. Pierre Hobson has concentrated on his base in montreal, his KlaXson Productions every two years and most recently has secured a place for KlaXson by purchasing the studio and assuring many more years of KlaXson Tap Dancing in montreal. KlaXson takes Tap Dancing to Mars. KlaXson mixes Tap to musical genres that are the least associated to Tap like Supertramp and Queen, Beatles and Rolling Stones, Prince, Pink Floyd, Disco to name a few. KlaXson’s show themes like Supertramp and Queen September 2012, Disc-O-Tap (2007), and Funk Soul & Motown (2009) puts actions into words. Don’t believe it...www.klaxson.com. Pierre Hobson is KlaXson Artistic Director and Choreographer.